Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Bleeding Heart Bakery

Ratings Guide:
Half handshake, half chest-bump hug – 5 stars
Chest bump – 4 stars
Fist bump – 3 stars
High five – 2 stars
Handshake – 1 star
Fone and fone – 0 stars
Manly ass slap – ½ star

Restaurant: The Bleeding Heart Bakery
Location: 2018 W. Chicago Ave.

This recently opened bakery doesn’t just serve great baked goods, they also serve the community. From what I understand, all of the profits, of a percentage of them, or something, go toward charity. I’m not sure which ones, but I feel like it’s a local food bank or a homeless shelter or something. Next time I’m in there I’ll find out for sure and get back to you.

But, that shouldn’t really matter, because the stuff there is AWESOME. I have a slight obsession with chocolate and sweets and baked goods, so you have to really bring it for me to be 100% happy. And Bleeding Heart definitely brings it.

They have a $10 minimum to use a credit card, so instead of using the cash I had on me, I thought it was a good idea to sample a variety of items and see if I could hit that $10 mark. To do so, I got two HUGE brownies, one banana-nut brownie and one smores brownie. They were just so big and soft and gooey. Sounds like dialogue from a porn, but trust me, these things were wholesome and fantastic. I can’t remember better brownies (the smores one was the best). I also had to get a couple of giant cookies to test out. Chocolate chip cookie – not the best I’ve ever had, but really good stuff. And a peanut butter cookie for my wife. See, I don’t like PB cookies, but even I couldn’t help myself from eating half of this one.

I’m not sure if it’s legal, but if I can tax-deduct brownies come April, this place will be the greatest bakery on Earth. And even if I can’t, it’s still some of the best stuff I’ve had in a while.

They also have cakes and pies and breads and soups and some dips, so they’ve got a little bit of everything.

I highly, highly recommend it. Half handshake, half chest-bump hug.

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